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Application Modernization Microservices: How to Transition? Trends & FAQs

Application Modernization Microservices: How to Transition? Trends & FAQs

The digital landscape is rapidly evolving, transitioning from a unified World Wide Web to a fragmented World of Apps.  

In this shift, application modernization has become crucial, with microservices emerging as a pivotal component.  

But what are application modernization microservices exactly, and how are they changing the digital world as we know it? 

Microservices, which depart from traditional monolithic application structures, are integral to modern software architecture. They offer the speed and agility necessary to meet today's technological interactions and innovation demands.  

In this article, we'll delve into the role of microservices in application modernization, exploring their impact on transforming software architecture from monolithic to more dynamic, modular systems. We'll also cover some real-life case studies, future trends, and interesting FAQs.  

What is Microservices Architecture?

Microservices architecture is an approach to software development where an application is divided into smaller, independent services. Each service performs a specific function and communicates with other services through well-defined APIs.  

This method provides greater flexibility, scalability, and resilience, making it a popular choice among companies like Netflix and Google. It supports continuous deployment and integration by enabling teams to update and manage each service separately. 

Microservices vs. Traditional Architectures

Unlike traditional monolithic applications, where all components are interwoven and deployed as a single unit, microservices allow for independent development, deployment, and scaling of each service.

Here’s a quick comparison: 

Monolithic Architecture  

  • In a monolithic structure, an application is developed as a single, unified unit. All components and functionalities are interconnected and interdependent. 
  • Scaling involves duplicating the entire application, which becomes increasingly complex and resource-intensive with growth. 
  • Modifications or updates, even minor ones, require a thorough understanding of the entire application and often lead to extensive downtime or redeployment. 

Microservices Architecture 

  • Microservices break down the application into smaller, independent services, each responsible for specific functionality. This modular design allows for more efficient handling of diverse requests. 
  • Scalability is more flexible and cost-effective. Services can be scaled independently based on demand, avoiding the need to scale the entire application. 
  • Development and maintenance are more agile. Teams can update, deploy, or troubleshoot individual services without impacting the entire application, facilitating continuous integration and deployment. 
  • By adopting microservices, traffic is directed only to the relevant services, reducing load and enhancing performance.  

To see this in action, consider the following example. Before microservices, a typical application structure might have looked like this:

Diagram that illustrates the traditional monolithic architectures.

Notice that every request a user makes of the application eventually goes to the same place, regardless of whether the request needs to access one function or several. This may work well in an application’s infancy, when scaling the application by copying it from one server to another and then another is enough to handle increased traffic. But as applications continue to grow, and especially as application traffic continues to increase, monolithic architecture becomes untenable. Scaling the application by copying it over wholesale to separate servers each time traffic increases becomes expensive, and load balancing can only account for so much.

At this point, it might be worth breaking your monolith out into a series of microservices. Here’s what an application running on microservice infrastructure looks like:

Diagram that explains how application modernization microservices work.

With microservices, requests are routed only to the particular pieces of an application that a user needs, splintering traffic and opening your app up for innovation. These services are deployed, scaled, and run separately but can connect when they need to, allowing you to build different subsets of your application that use (and carry traffic for) only a particular set of features.

Transitioning from Monolithic to Microservices Architecture: The Whys & Benefits

Monolithic systems, where a single update impacts the entire application, slow down innovation. Microservices counter this by dividing an application into self-contained services, each managed by a dedicated team.  

This division allows for independent updates and feature development, accelerating agile development and enabling quicker feature rollouts.  

Additionally, modernizing application architecture with microservices and APIs allows developers to access and utilize individual microservices. This facilitates the creation of new applications or features by combining different services, driving innovation beyond the original scope of the application. 

Through a, microservices can be seamlessly integrated with other applications, enhancing the functionality and reach of both platforms. 

Moreover, microservices minimize risks, as changes in one service don't affect others, fostering a more agile and stable development environment. 

However, they still pose some challenges like:  

  • Testing becomes more complex due to the distributed nature of the services.  
  • Maintaining multiple development teams necessitates robust communication and coordination strategies. 

Despite these challenges, for large-scale applications, the advantages of microservices — such as increased innovation, agility, and the ability to respond rapidly to market changes — significantly outweigh the drawbacks.

How to Integrate Microservices into Modern Application Frameworks 

Modern application framework microservices fundamentally alter how applications are built, maintained, and scaled. This offers a responsive and flexible architecture that aligns with current technological trends.  

Here are a few cases of application modernization with microservices: 

Refactoring Existing Applications 

This process involves dissecting larger, often monolithic, applications into smaller, independent services. Each microservice focuses on a specific function or feature, which leads to more manageable and maintainable codebases.  

This transformation is particularly beneficial for legacy systems, where the shift can significantly enhance performance and scalability.  

Embracing Cloud-Native Development 

Cloud-native development leverages the scalability and flexibility of cloud computing, enabling applications to be more resilient and adaptable to change.  

Microservices fit naturally in this environment, as they can be deployed independently across various cloud environments, improving overall system robustness and efficiency.  

Enhancing Scalability, Resilience, and Flexibility 

By breaking down applications into smaller components, businesses can scale specific functions of an application according to demand rather than scaling the entire application.  

This approach also enhances resilience, as the failure of one microservice doesn’t bring down the entire system. Additionally, the flexibility offered by microservices allows for quicker adaptation to changing business requirements and technological advancements. 

Effective Strategies for Microservices Transition 

Transitioning to a microservices architecture can help you modernize your legacy software applications. Here are some effective strategies to guide this transition:  

  • Identifying decomposition candidates: Begin by assessing which parts of your legacy application are best suited for decomposition into microservices. Focus on components that are frequently updated or have distinct functionalities. Also, try to understand the interdependencies within the application. This helps in deciding which components you can isolate with minimal impact on the rest of the system. 
  • Defining service boundaries: Define microservices based on business capabilities or functionalities. Each service should have a single, well-defined purpose. Strive for services that are self-contained and have minimal dependencies on other services to enhance maintainability and scalability. 
  • Incremental approach: Instead of a full-scale overhaul, transition to microservices gradually. Start with less complex components before moving to more integral parts of the application. Also, you should thoroughly test each transition phase to ensure stability and performance. 
  • Data migration considerations: Break down monolithic databases into smaller, service-specific databases wherever possible. Consider implementing temporary data duplication or synchronization to ensure data consistency across the system during and after the transition. 
  • Communication and integration techniques: APIs provide a clear and standardized way for services to interact with each other. You can adopt an event-driven approach (where services communicate through events) to enhance responsiveness and reduce coupling. 

Ensuring a Smooth Shift: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls 

Ensuring a smooth transition to a microservices-based architecture requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices and common pitfalls to keep in mind:  

Best Practices 

  • Thorough planning and assessment: Begin with a detailed analysis of your existing system to identify components suitable for microservices. Understand your business goals and how microservices can align with them.  
  • Define clear service boundaries: Establish logical boundaries for each microservice, focusing on the principle of single responsibility. Ensure each service is independently deployable and scalable.  
  • Adopt an incremental approach: Transition gradually. Start with less complex services to gain momentum and confidence before tackling more critical components.  
  • Effective data migration strategies: Plan for the movement and restructuring of data. Consider how data will be split among different microservices and the impact on data integrity.  
  • Robust communication and integration: Implement efficient communication strategies between microservices. Use API gateways and event-driven architectures to ensure smooth interaction and data exchange.  
  • Focus on scalability and resilience: Design microservices to be fault-tolerant and easily scalable. Utilize cloud-native features for better performance and agility.  

Common Pitfalls 

  • Underestimating complexity: Breaking a monolith into microservices is a complex process that requires significant effort in terms of refactoring and re-architecting.  
  • Ignoring cultural shift: Transitioning to microservices is not just a technical change but also a cultural one. Ensure your team is aligned and prepared for the shift in development and operational practices.  
  • Overlooking security implications: Security becomes more complex in a distributed system. Make sure you have robust security measures at each service level.  
  • Neglecting performance monitoring: It's crucial to have effective monitoring and logging mechanisms in place to track the performance of individual microservices.  
  • Inadequate testing: Microservices require rigorous and comprehensive testing, including integration testing, to ensure system stability and reliability.  
  • Data consistency issues: Managing data consistency across microservices can be challenging. Avoid creating data dependencies that could lead to system failures or inconsistencies. 

Real-World Application Modernization Example from Mertech 

Freight Management Systems: Revolutionizing Logistics with Mertech 

Context: Freight Management Systems, a trailblazer in transportation logistics software, sought to modernize its 25-year-old legacy TMS software.  

The challenge? Transitioning from a desktop-based system to a cloud-based solution for enhanced global competitiveness.  

Process: Partnering with Mertech, FMS aimed to rejuvenate their platform without re-writing their extensive back-end code. Mertech used the Thriftly platform, allowing the reuse of existing back-end code to create APIs, drastically simplifying the modernization process. This approach focused on transforming the front-end, introducing web-based modules while maintaining the functionality of the existing system.  

Result: The transformation led by Mertech marked a pivotal shift for FMS. Not only did it significantly improve their product's design and functionality, but it also enabled FMS to offer additional services like EDI. This modernization opened doors to new integrations, increasing customer value and loyalty. It positioned FMS to efficiently cater to the evolving demands of a remote workforce and expand their reach in the logistics industry. 


Emerging application modernization trends suggest a deeper integration of AI and machine learning within microservices, further enhancing automation and predictive capabilities in application management. Furthermore, the rise of serverless architectures is likely to streamline development processes, reducing overhead and fostering innovation.  

As we embrace these advancements, it's crucial to recognize that the journey of application modernization is a continuous one, requiring ongoing adaptation and learning.  

If you're planning to make this technological change to your business, look no further than Mertech. We can take charge of your application modernization efforts and improve your competitiveness in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. 

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Frequently asked questions

How do I determine if my application is a good candidate for modernization with microservices?

Assess your application's complexity and scalability needs.  

If it's large, monolithic, and requires scalability and flexibility, it's likely a good candidate. Applications that need frequent updates or have components that can function independently also benefit from a microservices approach. 

What are the primary benefits of transitioning to a microservices architecture?

Some of the primary benefits of a microservices architecture include: 

  • Enhanced scalability: Handle increased load by scaling only necessary parts. 
  • Improved flexibility: Develop and deploy services independently. 
  • Faster deployment: Quicker updates and feature rollouts. 
  • Resilience: Faults in one service don’t crash the entire application. 
What are the common challenges faced during the transition to microservices?

While they come with a number of benefits, microservices often come with challenges like: 

  • Complexity in management: Handling numerous independent services can be challenging. 
  • Data consistency: Ensuring data integrity across services. 
  • Network issues: Increased communication between services can lead to latency.
  • Skillset requirements: Need for expertise in new technology stacks. 
What role do containers play in modernizing applications with microservices?

Containers offer an isolated environment for each microservice, ensuring consistent operation across different computing environments. They facilitate easy scaling, deployment, and management of microservices, making them integral to modernization efforts. 

How do I maintain and monitor microservices once they are in production?

You should implement robust monitoring tools (like Prometheus and Grafana) that offer insights into each microservice's performance.

Also, to ensure consistency and efficiency, you can adopt automated deployment and management tools like Kubernetes, Docker, and Zipkin.

Lastly, you can establish clear logging and observability practices to track and diagnose issues.


What should be the criteria for selecting tools and technologies for microservices implementation?

When selecting tools and technologies for microservices implementation, it's essential to consider several key factors, including: 

  • Compatibility with existing systems and future scalability 
  • Community and vendor support for the technology 
  • Ease of integration with other tools and services 
  • Performance and reliability track record 
  • Consideration of the team’s expertise and learning curve 



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