Why Migrate from Btrieve to PostgreSQL and other Relational Databases?
Introduction Many independent software vendors (ISV) and corporate users still rely on applications that use a category of database collective called...
My disk was full because the USERS Tablespace was bigger than 17Gb. Here are the steps to shrink an Oracle Tablespace:
purge tablespace USERS;
alter tablespace USERS coalesce;
3. Change the TableSpace Size:
alter database datafile '<FullTableSpacePathWithName>'resize <NewSize>M;
alter database datafile 'C:ORACLEPRODUCT10.1.0ORADATAORA10GUSERS01.DBF'resize 10000M;
Errors you might get:
ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value
It means that the new size is too small. You must increase the number of the size you want.
You can use the SQL statement bellow to see the max values for the Tablespaces:
select a.tablespace_name, a.file_name,(b.maximum+c.blocks-1)*d.db_block_size highwater
from dba_data_files a,(select file_id,max(block_id) maximum from dba_extents group by file_id) b ,dba_extents c , (select value db_block_size from v$parameter where name='db_block_size') d where a.file_id = b.file_id and c.file_id = b.file_id and c.block_id = b.maximum order by a.tablespace_name,a.file_name
Introduction Many independent software vendors (ISV) and corporate users still rely on applications that use a category of database collective called...
COBOL applications are the foundation of numerous essential business functions, especially within the banking, insurance, and government sectors....
Imagine breaking free from the constraints of old, monolithic systems and embracing the agility and innovation of cloud-based solutions.