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Group 762

Migrate and run DataFlex applications with Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL &  MariaDB.


Stuck in Crystal XI?  Upgrade and use the latest versions of Crystal Reports with DataFlex applications. 


Seamlessly convert from Btrieve transactional database to PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MS SQL Server.


Quickly build multi-protocol web services with the same API. Supports JSON-RPC, REST, SOAP,  Thrift, and gRPC.

 Group 671-1


Why Mertech?

Use latest versions of Crystal Reports with your DataFlex applications!

Download Flex2Crystal 


Key Benefits of Flex2Crystal

• Allows newer versions of Crystal Reports to be adopted without changing source code

• Is a cost-effective way to protect investments in Crystal Reports

• Ensures support for new features as they are added to Crystal Reports

• Does not compromise on report launching or data fetching performance

• Supports VDF version 12 (the first version to use RDC)

• Is easy to install and distribute

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