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Group 762

Migrate and run DataFlex applications with Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL &  MariaDB.


Stuck in Crystal XI?  Upgrade and use the latest versions of Crystal Reports with DataFlex applications. 


Seamlessly convert from Btrieve transactional database to PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MS SQL Server.


Quickly build multi-protocol web services with the same API. Supports JSON-RPC, REST, SOAP,  Thrift, and gRPC.

 Group 671-1


Why Mertech?

Migrate DataFlex applications
to SQL with no code changes.

If you want to convert your DataFlex application to run with leading SQL databases, then Flex2SQL is the answer. Our Flex2SQL offerings can help you convert your  DataFlex system to MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL. 




Flex2SQL makes DataFlex database migration easy.

Flex2SQL includes a database migration tool and a middleware database driver. The migration tool transfers your entire database structure and data to the target SQL. Post-migration, the middleware seamlessly integrates with your DataFlex applications, supporting features like RowID, overlaps and underlaps, and relationships. It also allows you to call complex stored procedures and functions and embed SQL into your code for easier data management and manipulation.


Convert from DataFlex to five perferred databases.

DataFlex to MS SQL Server

Mertech released the first connectivity driver to migrate from DataFlex to MS SQL Server in 1998.  Since then, we have continued investing in the product, consistently introducing cutting-edge features that empower DataFlex developers to transition from DataFlex to SQL Server easily.  Whether you want to run your application on-premise or in the cloud with SQL Azure, we have you covered. 

DataFlex to Oracle 

Mertech is the industry leader in offering native database connectivity from  DataFlex to Oracle.  Flex2SQL for Oracle has been a commercial product since 1998 and is used at small and large sites with thousands of concurrent users. Whether you use the latest 64-bit Unicode edition of DataFlex or the legacy character mode DataFlex on Linux, we can help you adopt the Oracle database.

DataFlex to PostgreSQL 

PostgreSQL, or "Postgres," is a reliable, scalable, and cost-efficient open-source database management system with advanced features, compatibility with various tech stacks, and robust security measures. Its active user community ensures continuous development and improvement.   Postgres is an appealing option for software vendors looking to build scalable and secure cloud applications on Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS.

DataFlex to MySQL & MariaDB 

MySQL and MariaDB are widely used RDBMS with the same roots.  Choosing between them depends on your needs and preferences. MariaDB might be better if you value open-source principles and community-driven development. However, MySQL, especially the Enterprise Edition, may be preferable if you require enterprise-level support.  

Supported versions and requirements

Flex2SQL works with  both 32-bit and 64-bit Unicode versions of DataFlex (See product roadmap)

Flex2SQL Classic Edition drivers work with all  32-bit versions of DataFlex, including legacy character mode versions running on Linux and console mode. Learn more about the platforms and versions supported by Flex2SQL Classic Edition.

 Flex2SQL  Unicode Edition drivers come in 32-bit and 64-bit versions and work with DataFlex 2020 and later. Learn more about the platforms and versions supported by Flex2SQL Unicode Edition.

Why choose Mertech's DataFlex to SQL connectivity products?

Whether you're a software vendor or a corporate IT department, Mertech offers the most flexible and feature-rich options for modernizing your DataFlex database. With over 25+ years of experience as a pioneer and innovator in this market, you can trust that whichever database system you select, whether on-premise or in the cloud,  Mertech will provide you with the support and expertise you need to reach your destination.  

Group 858

Trusted by thousands of companies since 1998

Since 1998, our SQL drivers for DataFlex have helped thousands of companies worldwide modernize their databases and grow their businesses.

Group 619 (1)

Use the latest versions of Crystal Reports 

Combine Flex2Crystal with Flex2SQL to upgrade to latest version of Crystal Reports.  No need to redevelop your reports in another tool.

Group 753

Fastest database drivers for DataFlex! 

Our connectivity products use native C/C++ libraries, not ODBC.  They give you the fastest performance and flexibility in deployment.

Group 860 
 Use Open Source DBMS on Azure and AWS

 Choose any leading open-source database on Azure and AWS. Lower your cost with PostgreSQL, MariaDB, or  MySQL!

Flex2SQL is used at companies big and small worldwide.

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Download a trial version to start your migration journey.

During your evaluation period, we will provide the support you need to make your migration successful. The trial is fully functional, though we randomly obfuscate records. They are not meant to be used in production.

Flex2SQL Trial Download